Oschon's Refuge

for Adventurers and Scholars

-A Final Fantasy XIV Roleplaying Community-

About Us

Oschon's Refuge for Adventurers and Scholars (ORAS) is a RP-heavy community featuring both an academy and adventurer's guild setting. Our academy focuses on new and inexperienced adventurers to teach the skills that they need in order to take on guild missions, regional leves, and other challenges.Our community features both pre-scheduled quests and classes alongside opportunities to host pop-up events. Our Student Council also plans and runs several large-scale events throughout the year, including the annual week-long camping trip.


In the spirit of Oschon, the Wanderer, ORAS currently operates out of several locations. Each location will be announced prior to the start of events.We have two locations:
Academy @ Balmung - Mist - Ward 6, Plot 14
Guild @ Zalera - Empyreum - Ward 6, Plot 26


To promote a sense of community and serve as identification, all academy classes and events require the wearing of a uniform. We include several options (listed below) for our students, with uniforms available for free from a member of the admin team.

For all members:Uniform colors are Morbol Green (tops) and Soot/Jet Black (bottoms)

For Students:Acceptable Tops:
Lawless Enforcer, Educand, and Collegiate (daily use)
Varsity (cold climate)
Boulevardier (Student Council)
Acceptable Bottoms:
Slacks (any), Skirts (no booty-showing)

For Guild Members:Guild members are permitted to wear their adventuring gear as long as it is dyed in the ORAS colors of Morbol Green and Soot/Jet Black.

Frequently Asked Questions

A full list of commonly asked questions, community guidelines, and other useful information is available on our discord.

Q. Do I have to join the FC to participate?
A. Surprise! Nope. Membership in the FC is not a requirement for participation in ORAS.
Q. What are the different roles?
A. Currently we have three "tiers" of membership. The first tier is Student/Guild Member. These are our members that participate in events without the expectation of running events.
For those interested in DMing, hosting, or running events, we have the Staff role for those that want to be part of the security or medical team or general staff (i.e., groundskeeper, professional carby wrangler, etc.). Members interested in running monthly guild quests would also be eligible for the staff role.
The Teacher role is for those that want to focus on the academy side. The expectation is running a class - either theoretical/lecture style or applied fieldwork - twice a month.
Q. Are there activity requirements?
A. Yes and no. ORAS has no requirement for activity or participation from student or guild members. From your first day as a decider on, you are welcome to join in and participate in any and all events you find interesting.
Staff members and Teachers do have requirements for content, as these are our members that host events. Each staff character is required to host ONE event per month. Each teacher character is required to host TWO classes per month.
Q. Is this a NSFW community?
A. While we are an 18+ community, we are also an exclusively Safe For Work (SFW) community. This means all glamours and character designs must be SFW. Any screenshots or content shared on our discord are also required to be SFW.
Q. Is ORAS lore-compliant?
A. Yes. ORAS is a lore-compliant setting and maintains a standard of requiring all characters to conform to the established canon of the game. However, some lore-bending may be allowed if discussed with an admin during your Decider trial.
Currently, ORAS operates two main content patches behind the MSQ. That means once 7.2 releases, 7.0 (Dawntrail) will have happened in our setting.
Q. How old do characters have to be?
A. In order to be given membership to the academy, characters must be at least 13 years of age, though 15+ is preferred.
To be given membership to the guild, characters must be at least 16 years of age, though 18+ is preferred.
For all events, characters present must be at least 13 years of age. Unfortunately, younger siblings or children are not allowed at any official, public ORAS event.
Q. Can I be the [Warrior of Light, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, etc.]?
A. No. We do not allow canon characters (such as the named Scion NPCs or characters brought from other media sources) in our setting. We also adhere to a relatively low power level, as we prioritize entry-level adventurers and newly minted guild members. This means that playing as a Warrior of Light or something of that caliber is not allowed per our guidelines.
Q. Can I be a [insert voidsent, sin eater, primal, etc. here]
A. Due to the power level of ORAS as an academy for novice adventurers and a guild that caters to a wide range of experiences, we do not allow the following:
Voidsent, Sin eaters, partial sin eaters or voidsent, dragons, vampires, fae, gods/goddesses/other figures of divinity, primals/auspices/other objects of tangible faith, or ancients/ascians/other time or displaced entities
Q. How many carbies are too many?
A. There is no such thing as too many carbies.

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Care to join?

Oschon's Refuge for Adventurers and Scholars operates primarily on our Discord server. Here, you will find all of our guidelines, class schedules, and a friendly group of memelords looking to make new friends. Click the happy little guy below to join us and may the Wanderer guide your steps!